Our devotional, "Meditations In the Book of Isaiah," is available to help you focus on the Lord during the season of Lent. You can read online or download the entire devotional as a PDF by clicking the button below.
"MeDitations in the Book of Isaiah" LentEN Devotional
The goal of this devotional is immersion in the book of Isaiah during the season of Lent. Isaiah’s main themes of renouncing self-reliance and trusting God’s promises of deliverance seem particularly relevant for this season set apart for repentance and rediscovery of God’s grace. And, of course, Isaiah’s messianic prophecies, which gain clarity and force as the book progresses, uniquely contribute to our anticipation of worshipping the Crucified and Risen Christ during Holy Week.
Each week during Lent, plus the bonus Easter week, focuses on one section of Isaiah. Be sure to read the corresponding section each week, which you may want to break up into daily readings of one to two chapters, or you might read in its entirety each day.
Each devotional reading highlights a specific verse from that week’s section, and provides some reflections or application questions along with a brief prayer. Devotional readings are not included on Sundays because we will feast on God’s word together with God’s people during Lord’s Day worship at church.
May the Spirit increase our faith, enhance our hope, and deepen our love for God and others as we let Isaiah guide us on this Lenten journey.