
Jesus' words to His disciples in Matthew 28:18-20, also known as the Great Commission, move us to reach out and share His love in places both near and far.


We equip and encourage our members to make disciples just as Jesus commanded, starting in our own neighborhoods. As we learn to share God’s love with those around us, we find new ways to care for people we meet. From casual conversations to local mission trips, we want people to know Jesus and worship Him as we love and serve our neighbors.

A few ways you can help locally:

Armstrong Elementary School
We partner with Armstrong Elementary just up the street to serve students, staff and families, in part by providing school supplies and other items as they have need.

T.E.A.M. Food Pantry
Chatham maintains an ongoing collection for non-perishable food items, paper goods and toiletries to support The Emergency Assistance Ministry (T.E.A.M.), which serves residents of Hazelwood and Florissant. Just drop your donations in our shopping cart in the Learning Center.


We support missionaries in 14 countries on 5 continents to share the love of Jesus around the world. Details on many of our missionaries and their sending organizations are available both below and on our mission bulletin board in the Activity Center hallway.

A few ways you can help globally:

Box Tops for Education
This program can specifically support Doris Todd Christian Academy in Haiku, HI, where supported missionary Carolyn Moore is head. You can use the Box Tops app to scan your appropriate purchase receipts and designate points that translate to dollars for the school. Use zip code 96779 to help find them in the app.

Coffee Helping Missions
You can support any of our Biblical Ministries Worldwide missionaries just by purchasing coffee! Simply select Allingers, Ballards or Whitworth when placing your order.

Love Packages
Love Packages ships over 1,500 tons of recycled gospel literature onto the mission field annually, putting donated Bibles and Christian media into the hands of people around the world who are unable to afford these items. They accept Christian Bibles, books, literature, CDs and DVDs. (No VHS/casettes, secular materials, or missions magazines.) Donations can be placed in the box under the table in the Learning Center.
